Wildflower Plants (All Species)

Our wildflower plants are offered here in a number of packsize options. 

Suggested planting density is one plant of each species per square metre - maximum of five species per square metre. Click here for advice on establishing a Wildflower meadow.

Agrimony, Hemp (Eupatorium cannabinum) Plant
21-28 Day Delivery

Agrimony, Hemp (Eupatorium cannabinum) Plant

  • Perennial. A tall stately plant with masses of white-pink flowers, an excellent butterfly plant attracting large numbers in late summer. 
  • Flower: July - September
  • Requires: Damp, riverbanks, pond margins
  • Height: 60-120 cm
Angelica, Wild(Angelica sylvestris) Plant
21-28 Day Delivery

Angelica, Wild(Angelica sylvestris) Plant

  • Perennial. Tall hairless plant can grow to 2m, large leaves
  • Stems hollow and purplish , flowers white or pink
  • Flowers: July - September
  • Requires: Damp meadows, wet woodlands, fenland
  • Height: Up to 2m
Bedstraw, Hedge (Galium mollugo) Plant
21-28 Day Delivery

Bedstraw, Hedge (Galium mollugo) Plant

  • Perennial.Small, white starry flowers, best clambering up hedges or shrubs.
  • Sweetly scented.
  • Flowers: July to August
  • Requires: Well drained, dry soil
  • Height: 30-60 cm. 
Bedstraw, Lady's (Galium verum) Plant
21-28 Day Delivery

Bedstraw, Lady's (Galium verum) Plant

  • Perennial. Used in victorian times to scent bedding.
  • Delicately whorled leaves and bright golden
  • Beautiful sweet scent in high summer.
  • Flowers: July onwards.
  • Requires: Sun and well-drained soil.
  • Height: 15-30cm.
    Bellflower, Nettle-leaved (Campanula trachelium) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Bellflower, Nettle-leaved (Campanula trachelium) Plant

  • Perennial. Lower leaves resemble nettle leaves, flowers droop from the top.
  • Flowers: July - September.
  • Requires: Open deciduous woods, scrub and hedgerows.
  • Height: can grow to 1m tall
    Betony (Stachys officinalis) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Betony (Stachys officinalis) Plant

    • Perennial. Attractive leaves and many stems smothered in brilliant reddish-purple flowers
    • Adored by bees
    • Flowers: June onwards
    • Requires: Well drained sunny
    • Height: 30cm
    Burnet, Salad (Sanguisorba minor) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Burnet, Salad (Sanguisorba minor) Plant

    • Perennial. An attractive rosette of leaves which smell of cucumber when crushed.
    • Unusual purple tinged flowers.
    • Flowers: May-August
    • Requires: Sun
    • Height: 30cm.
    Campion, Bladder (Silene vulgaris) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Campion, Bladder (Silene vulgaris) Plant

    • Perennial. An unusual plant with white, slightly drooping flowers above a purplish veined bladder.
    • A nectar plant for butterflies.
    • Flowers: June-August.
    • Requires: well drained soil and full sun
    • Height: 22-40cm
    Campion, Red (Silene dioica) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Campion, Red (Silene dioica) Plant

    • Perennial. A lovely specimen to brighten hedgerows, meadows and shady spots in the garden.
    • Bright rose-pink flowers
    • Flowers: April - September
    • Requires: Part shade
    • Height: 30-60cm
    Campion, White (Silene alba) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Campion, White (Silene alba) Plant

    • Perennial, pure white flowers.
    • Often growing on the edge of cornfields, hedgerows and waste ground.
    • Flowers: May - October
    • Requires: Sun
    • Height: To about 1m
    Carrot, Wild (Daucus carota) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Carrot, Wild (Daucus carota) Plant

    • Biennial with white umbelliferous flowers with a pink tinge.
    • Good for drying.
    • Looks good growing with scabious.
    • Flowers: June - October
    • Requires: Sun/well-drained soil.
    • Height: 30-40cm
    Cat's-ear, Common (Hypochaeris radicata) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Cat's-ear, Common (Hypochaeris radicata) Plant

    • Perennial. A good meadow component with rich yellow flowers and dandelion-like seed heads
    • Flowers: May to September
    • Requires: Sun/Part shade
    • Height: 30-45cm
    Chamomile, Lawn (Anthemis nobilis) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Chamomile, Lawn (Anthemis nobilis) Plant

    • A pleasantly aromatic plant with small, white, daisy-like flowers
    • Can be used as ground cover and does look a lot like a grass lawn 
    • Flowers: June-August
    • Requires: Sunny position with well-drained soil
    • Height: 10-20cm, plant 10cm apart (75 plugs/m2)
    Common Daisy (Bellis perennis) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Common Daisy (Bellis perennis) Plant

    • Perennial. One of our best-known lawn wild flowers.
    • Flowers: June - September.
    • Requires: Sun
    • Height: 4-6 cms 
    Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) Plants
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) Plants

  • Perennial. White umbellifer flowers like lace. Known as "Queen Anne's Lace"
  • Flowers: April-June.
  • Requires: Sun
  • Height: 60 - 90cm
    Cowslip (Primula veris) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Cowslip (Primula veris) Plant

    • Perennial. Flowers scented 10-15mm, clustered on a long, leafless stem.
    • Deep yellow with orange markings in centre.
    • Flowers: April - May.
    • Requires: Dry Grassland & scrubland, not acid soils.
    • Height: 15 - 30cm.
    Cranesbill, Meadow (Geranium pratense) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Cranesbill, Meadow (Geranium pratense) Plant

    • Perennial. Large purplish veined flowers, 30mm.
    • Flowers usually in pairs on longer stems.
    • Flowers: July - August.
    • Requires: Meadows, woods. Damp-dry, none acidic soils.
    • Height: 50-100cm.
    Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Plant

    • Perennial. A golden blaze of colour in the May meadows and banks. Flowers composed of bright yellow ray-florets.
    • Flowers: April - June
    • Requires: Rich meadows, pastures, fields or waste ground. 
    • Height: to 50 cm
    Evening-Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Evening-Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Plant

    • Biennial. Leaves toothed or with entire margins. Yellow flowers 2-3 cms wide. Tolerant of infertile soils.
    • Flowers: June - October
    • Requires: Sun
    • Height: Up to 1m 
    Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) Plant

    • Biennial. Also known as Hedge Garlic and Jack-by-the-hedge. Hairless plant smelling of garlic when crushed. Leaves toothed and heart-shaped, long stalked.
    • White flowers in a leafless cluster.
    • Flowers: April - July.
    • Requires: Damp deciduous woods and scrub, hedgerows. Moist-dry soils.
    • Height: 30-80cm.
    Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia) Plant

  • Perennial. A well-loved wild flower also known as Scottish Bluebell.
  • Dainty blue 'bells' which attract bees
  • Recommended for the rockery.
  • Flowers: June - September
  • Requires: Sun and dry sandy soil
  • Height: 15-45cm
    Hawkbit, Autumn (Leontodon autumnalis) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Hawkbit, Autumn (Leontodon autumnalis) Plant

  • Perennial. Dandelion-like flowers and seed heads, a good showy meadow subject.
  • Seeds are magnets for Finches.
  • Flowers: August on.
  • Requires: Sun.
  • Height: 15cm
    Hawkbit, Rough (Leontodon hispidus) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Hawkbit, Rough (Leontodon hispidus) Plant

  • Perennial. A meadow plant with yellow dandelion flowers.
  • Also known as Greater Hawkbit.
  • Seed heads form a clock which attracts birds.
  • Flowers: June on.
  • Requires: Sun and well-drained soil.
  • Height: 15-45cm
    Heartsease (Viola tricolor) Plants

    Heartsease (Viola tricolor) Plants

  • Annual. Bright purple/ yellow or a mix of both, these Wild Pansys look good in borders or rockerys.
  • Flowers: April-June
  • Requires: Sun
  • Height: 15 – 30 cm
  • Approx. 1700 seeds per gramme.
    Hedge Parsley, Upright (Torilis japonica) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Hedge Parsley, Upright (Torilis japonica) Plant

  • Grey/green plant with pink dainty umbellifer flowers
  • Flowers: July-Sept.
  • Requires: Shade
  • Height: 45 cm
    Iris, Yellow-Flag (Iris pseudacorus) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Iris, Yellow-Flag (Iris pseudacorus) Plant

  • Perennial. Sword shaped leaves and bright yellow flowers, will stand in water.
  • Flowers: June-August.
  • Requires: Moist situations
  • Height: 90cm
    Mallow, Common (Malva sylvestris) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Mallow, Common (Malva sylvestris) Plant

    • Perennial. Very showy, tough plant with a profusion of pink/purple flowers.
    • Flowers: May - September
    • Requires: Well drained soils, footpaths, waste ground
    • Height: 30 - 90 cms 
    Mallow, Musk (Malva moschata) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Mallow, Musk (Malva moschata) Plant

  • Perennial. Pale Pink form of Musk mallow.
  • Much admired in our own garden.
  • Flowers: July-Aug.
  • Requires: Sun
  • Height: 30 – 90 cm
  • Pre- order now for delivery in May 2020
    Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) Plant

    • Perennial. A lovely plant for the bog or moist garden.
    • Foamy clusters of small, sweetly fragrant, cream flowers.
    • Flowers: June-Sept.
    • Requires: Sun and damp soil.
    • Height: Up to 2m tall
    Plantain, Hoary (Plantago media) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Plantain, Hoary (Plantago media) Plant

    • A grass-like perennial with a 5cm spike of small vanilla scented pinkish-purple flowers.
    • Good reliable meadow subject.
    • Flowers: June-August.
    • Requires: Sun and well-drained soil.
    • Height: 30 cm.
    Plantain, Ribwort (Plantago lanceolata) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Plantain, Ribwort (Plantago lanceolata) Plant

  • Grass-like perennial with spikes of blackish-brown flowers with yellow anthers. Common meadow component.
  • Flowers: April - September.
  • Requires: Prefers a sunny position.
  • Height: 60-90cm.
    Primrose, Wild (Primula vulgaris) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Primrose, Wild (Primula vulgaris) Plant

    • A native perennial common throughout the British Isles.
    • Grows in woods, hedgebanks and grassy places.
    • Flowers: February - May
    • Height: 20-30 cm. 
    • The name comes from prima rosa - first rose
    Sage, Wood (Teucrium scorodonia) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Sage, Wood (Teucrium scorodonia) Plant

  • Perennial. A good woodland subject with lovely crinkly, light green leaves and greenish-yellow flowers with prominent maroon stamens.
  • Flowers: July-Sept.
  • Requires: Shade.
  • Height: 30cm
    Saw-wort (Serratula tinctoria) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Saw-wort (Serratula tinctoria) Plant

    • Perennial. Similar to Knapweed. Violet-red flowers size 1.5cms.
    • Flowers: July - September
    • Requires: Grasslands, open woods, damp-moist calcareous soils
    • Height: Up to 1 m tall.
    Scabious, Field (Knautia arvensis) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Scabious, Field (Knautia arvensis) Plant

    • Perennial. Blue-lilac 'pincushion' flowers in summer.
    • Looks attractive with ox-eye daisies.
    • A nectar plant for butterflies & bees.
    • Flowers: July - September
    • Requires: Sun and well drained soil.
    • Height: 30-90 cm
    Scabious, Small (Scabiosa columbaria) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Scabious, Small (Scabiosa columbaria) Plant

    • Perennial. A compact small plant with pale blue flowers, plants are a magnet for butterflies.
    • Flowers: July - August
    • Requires: Lime-rich soil and sun.
    • Height: 30cm
    Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) Plant

    • Perennial. Leaves narrow, pointed and finely toothed.
    • Small flower heads in loose clusters.
    • Flowers: July - September
    • Requires: Grasslands, marshes, damp soil. Not calcareous soils.
    • Height: 25 - 50 cms
    Strawberry, Wild (Fragaria vesca) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Strawberry, Wild (Fragaria vesca) Plant

  • Perennial. Long rooting runners, has silky-hairy leaves with white flowers that produce tiny red fleshy head.
  • Flowers: May - June.
  • Requires: Open woods, woodland edges, scrubland, dry soils, not acid.
  • Height: to 20cm tall
    Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) Plant

  • Tall biennial with conical, prickly flower heads banded with purple.
  • Can be dried.
  • Looks superb with the setting sun as a background.
  • Gold Finches adore the seed.
  • Flowers: July-Aug.
  • Requires: Sun
  • Height: 60-200cm
    Thyme, Wild (Thymus polytrichus) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Thyme, Wild (Thymus polytrichus) Plant

  • Perennial. Slightly aromatic, ground creeping specie.Has long creeping stems with flowers in a dense forming head.
  • Flowers: June to September.
  • Requires: grassy areas with heathy sand and rocky places, can be found growing in walls. Dry acid - calcareous soils.
  • Height: 10 - 20 cm.
    Trefoil, Bird's-foot (Lotus corniculatus) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Trefoil, Bird's-foot (Lotus corniculatus) Plant

    • Perennial. Also known as 'Eggs and Bacon'
    • Clusters of yellow/orange pea-like flowers.
    • Flowers: May - October.
    • Requires: Sun and well-drained soil.
    • Height: 15-25cm
    Trefoil, Greater Bird's-foot (Lotus uliginosus) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Trefoil, Greater Bird's-foot (Lotus uliginosus) Plant

  • Yellow flowers in a larger head than birdsfoot trefoil.
  • Flowers: June-August.
  • Requires: Moist.
  • Height: 30 cm
    Vetch, Kidney (Anthyllis vulneraria) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Vetch, Kidney (Anthyllis vulneraria) Plant

    • Perennial. Showy yellow flowers and a hairy calyx.
    • A long flowering period.
    • Flowers: May on.
    • Requires: Open sunny position chalk or limestone preferred.
    • Height: 7-15cm.
    Vetch, Tufted (Vicia cracca) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Vetch, Tufted (Vicia cracca) Plant

    • Perennial. Pink/purple to blue/purple flowers 
    • Ideal for meadows, agricultural fields and woodland margins
    • Flowers: June-September 
    • Requires: Sun
    • Height: 60-120cm.
    Violet, Dog (Viola riviniana) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Violet, Dog (Viola riviniana) Plant

  • Perennial. Vivid blue, violet flowers
  • Flowers: April-June 
  • Requires: Shade tolerant
  • Height: 5-10cm
    Wallflower, Wild (Cheiranthus cheriri) Plant
    21-28 Day Delivery

    Wallflower, Wild (Cheiranthus cheriri) Plant

  • Perennial. Yellow, orange or brick red fragrant flowers that colonise on old walls 
  • Flowers: March-June 
  • Height: 22-45cm

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